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Building Permits

If you're planning an upcoming building or renovating project on your property, you'll likely need to apply for a building permit before you begin the work. Building permits ensure that all work meets the requirements outlined in the Ontario Building Code and our Zoning By-law.

View your property on our interactive zoning map to: 

  • view the zoning that applies to your property and others in the Township
  • visit links to access the details of our Zoning By-law to view permitted uses and lot requirements 
  • utilize other functions of the County of Simcoe GIS mapping program

If your project does not comply with our Zoning By-law, you may have options such as applying for a Minor Variance to the Committee of Adjustment. In some cases, more extensive re-zoning may be required for your project, which is why it is strongly recommended that you take a planning first approach and contact us to discuss your project. 

Where can I find more detailed information on permit requirements?

You can review our Building Permit Guide for information on applicable laws and fees, and to access our Building Permit Application checklist

View our New Homes or Cottages pageWhen do I need a building permit?

You need a building permit for a variety of renovation and building projects. Review the building permit application guidelines, fees and checklists for common building projects:

Apply for a building permit

Please complete the Building Permit Application and submit it by email or drop it off in person. You can also mail your completed application to:

Township of Severn
PO Box 159
Orillia, Ontario
L3V 6J3

If you'd prefer, you can pick up a building permit application in person at our Administration Office (1024 Hurlwood Lane, Severn). 

Please note

We only require digital copies of all construction drawings and engineered lot grading plans, if applicable. Paper or printed copies are not needed.

Please submit all building permit applications to


Building permit fees vary depending on the scope of your building or renovation project. We will calculate all building permit fees after reviewing the application. You will not be issued a building permit until you have paid all permit fees.

Letter of authorization

You'll need to submit a letter of authorization if the property owner is not present when a building permit is issued. Please complete the Letter of Authorization and submit it along with your building permit application, if required.

This letter gives authorization to a third party or contractor to accept a building permit on behalf of the legal property owner.

Property tax adjustments

If you've made significant changes to your property, such as a demolition, you may qualify for a property tax adjustment. Review the program eligibility to find out if you qualify.

View and pay your bills online

Register for your eServices account to view, pay, and manage your water, sewer and tax bills with one easy online account. 

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