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You'll need to get a building inspection completed at various stages throughout your building or renovation project. Building inspections ensure all construction meets the requirements set out in your building permit application and the Ontario Building Code.

Book an inspection

Complete this form to book a building inspection. 

When booking your inspection, please note:

  • we require at least two days’ notice
  • inspections are not conducted on weekends or statutory holidays
  • we cannot book specific times, such as morning or afternoon inspections

Inspectors cover over 500 square kilometres which can include island access or special investigations. Please include any special instructions related to your request when completing the form, such as that your property is water-access only, or how to enter the property. Inspections are arranged to be as efficient as possible to complete the inspections requested for that day.

Electrical inspections

For questions related to electrical work or to arrange for electrical inspections, you will need to contact the Electrical Safety Authority for more information.

When do I need an inspection?

Depending on the project type, you may need to get the following inspections on your next building and construction project.

Inspection descriptions

Project type Inspection requirements
Foundation prior to backfilling, drainage tile, stone and damp proofing in place
Framing prior to insulation with all plumbing, ductwork and electrical rough-ins complete, roofing and windows installed

Insulation, vapour barrier, air barrier 

before covering with all penetrations sealed and or taped, exterior prior to siding, all sheathing membrane and flashings shall be in place
Septic installation tank bed installed and connected, prior to covering or backfilling
Final inspection entire completion of project 
Footing forms prior to pouring concrete

Water and sewer connection to municipal service

all connections ready with pipe bedding and tracer wire in place
Plumbing rough-in, before cover, test on
Septic system base grading has been completed, prior to importing sand fill
Occupancy involves minimum health and safety issues and must be complete before occupying the building

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