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Roads and Parking

The road network within the Township of Severn is maintained and owned by multiple tiers of government. View our parking regulations for information about street parking and accessible parking spaces.

Report a concern

To report a concern, such as a streetlight not working or if you feel that a road needs maintenance work, you can reach submit a request for service on our eServices portal

Contact the Ontario Provincial Police directly to report speeding in Severn.

Road permits and applications

We issue a variety of road permits and applications in order to ensure that all roadwork is done in a way that is safe and protects municipal roads and infrastructure.

The following permits are available:

  • Entrance Permits
  • Temporary Road Closure Permits
  • Road Occupancy Permits
  • Oversized Load Permits

Road maintenance

Township of Severn is responsible for the maintenance and construction of most roads within the Township of Severn. However, a few county and provincial roads pass through Severn.

The County of Simcoe is responsible for the maintenance and construction of the following roads:

  • County Road 16
  • County Road 17 (Upper Big Chute Road)
  • County Road 23 (Vasey Road)
  • County Road 52 (Coopers Falls Road)
  • County Road 169

The Ministry of Transportation is responsible for the maintenance and construction of the following highways:

  • Highway 11
  • Highway 12
  • Highway 400

Winter road maintenance and snow removal

Township of Severn provides high-quality winter road maintenance and snow removal for our roadways and sidewalks; ensuring residents, business owners and visitors alike can safely get to where they are going.

Our designated plow routes give priority to main roads and bridges over local roads, side streets and cul-de-sacs. Snowplow operators follow these routes to minimize duplication and maximize efficiency.

Please visit our eServices portal to report unsafe road or sidewalk conditions.

View our winter parking restrictions to find out when you can and cannot park on municipal roads during the winter months. These restrictions allow us to safely and effectively remove snow.

To assist us, we ask that residents and business owners consider the following:

  • don't push snow onto the roadway (this is a violation of the Highway Traffic Act
  • keep mailboxes clear of snow so that the plows can see them
  • assist with the clearing of fire hydrants and catch basins to allow for safe emergency response
  • consider helping a neighbour or friend with snow removal if they are unable to do so
  • on waste collection days, make sure all items including your garbage, recycling, and organic bins are placed at least 1.2 m to 2 m (4 to 6 feet) inside your driveway and promptly remove the bins after collection

Do you need help clearing snow from your driveway and property? Visit Snow Angels Canada. This is a free online platform that connects those who need assistance removing snow with local volunteers in the community who can help. 

Snow clearing (plowing and sanding) and snow removal (picking up snow and moving it away) are two very different services and in Severn, we rarely remove snow from streets. In most cases snow can be managed within the existing road allowance with snowbank heights not exceeding the height defined by our service level policy. The snow removal operations typically take place overnight from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

As parking is not permitted on any road between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from December 1 to March 31, please ensure your vehicle is not parked on the roadway. Vehicles that are parked on the roadway will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.

Winter weather can cause roads and sidewalks to be slippery.

Please follow these tips to stay safe:

  • always wear proper boots to make sure you don't slip and fall when you're walking or clearing snow
  • when driving, avoid splashing slush and water onto sidewalks which could quickly freeze
  • avoid driving on the road during major snowstorms
  • slow down on roadways, drive according to the conditions
  • don't allow children to play in snowbanks

Canada Post is responsible for clearing the snow and ice around community mailboxes. If your mailbox is blocked by snow, please contact Canada Post.

Please assist us by making sure your rural mailbox is in a good state of repair and not an obstruction. Review Canada Post guidelines for proper placement and maintenance of rural mailboxes that meet specifications and road safety criteria before installation.

Damage to mailboxes

Mailboxes damaged by snow load from the snow plow equipment will not be replaced by the Township of Severn. As a courtesy, we may replace a damaged mailbox if the damage is a result of a direct hit by the snow plow equipment. Please contact us if your mailbox was damaged by the snow plow.

Seasonal load restrictions

Seasonal load restrictions start on March 8, 2025 and are expected to continue until May 30, 2025.

The Seasonal Load Restrictions By-law restricts loads on most Township roads to a maximum of five tonnes per axle. This helps protect the structural integrity of our roads during spring thaw when road damage is most likely to occur. 

Highways exempted from seasonal load restrictions include:

  • Brennan Line from 0.72 kilometers north of the intersection of Brennan Line and Cambrian Road, to the entrance of Hewitt Quarries Aggregate pit
  • Burnside Line from Highway 11 to the entrance of Nelson Aggregate Company, Uhthoff Quarry
  • Cambrian Road from the intersection of Nichols Line and Cambrian Road to the intersection of Brennan Line and Cambrian Road, allowing access to Hewitt Quarries Aggregate pit
  • Fairgrounds Road from Highway 12 to the entrance of K.J. Beamish Construction Company Ltd. pit
  • Nichols Line from Highway 11 to the entrance of Georgian Aggregates and Construction Quarry
  • Quarry Road from Highway 400 to the second entrance of Lafarge Canada Inc., Coldwater Plant
  • Uhthoff Line from Orillia City limits to 0.9 kilometres north of the entrance of G.H. Stewart Construction Inc., pit #48

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Register for your eServices account to view, pay, and manage your water, sewer and tax bills with one easy online account. 

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