Notice of complete application for Zoning By-Law Amendment Z-25-03
TAKE NOTICE THAT the Township of Severn deemed the following application complete under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13 on February 12, 2025.
Details of the application
The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to amend Township Zoning By-law 2010-65, as amended, to:
- Rezone a portion of the subject lands from the Shoreline Residential Three (SR3) Zone to a site-specific Shoreline Residential Three Exception (SR3-XX) Zone, with the following special provisions:
- to notwithstand Section 6.4 to permit two (2) dwellings/dwelling units and establish maximum permitted size requirements for the proposed dwellings/dwelling units
- to notwithstand Section 3.2.5 to permit an oversized attached residential garage
- Revise the boundaries of the existing Environmental Protection (EP) Zone on the subject property
All other provisions of the Shoreline Residential Three (SR3) Zone shall apply and be complied with. The existing Rural (RU) Zone on a portion of the property shall continue to apply and be complied with.
View the notice of complete application
Owner | 2711818 Ontario Inc. c/o Jacki Jenuth |
Agent | Morgan Planning and Development |
Address | 3833 Severn River |
Roll number | 435105000531400 |
Zoning file number | Z-24-14 |
Additional information
Additional information relating to the application is available for inspection on weekdays by appointment between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at our Administration Office (1024 Hurlwood Lane, Severn). Please contact the Planning department to schedule an appointment.
Stay informed
Township of Severn will hold a hybrid Public Meeting concerning this application at a later date during a Planning and Development Committee meeting.
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Staff contact
Customer Care Assistant
Phone: 705-325-2315 x246
Email the Customer Care Assistant
Mail and courier
Mailing address: Township of Severn, PO Box 159, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3
Courier address: 1024 Hurlwood Lane, Severn, Ontario L3V 0Y6
Contact us
1024 Hurlwood Lane
Severn, Ontario
Phone: 705-325-2315
Fax: 705-327-5818
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