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Animal Services

Township of Severn is committed to creating a pet-friendly community where responsible owners and pets help keep our community clean and safe. You can visit and enjoy our dog park available at Washago Centennial Park.

As per our Dog and Kennel By-law, make sure:

  • your dog doesn't run at large
  • you clean up after your dog
  • your dog doesn't bark or howl enough to disturb your neighbours

Notify us of an animal at large by filing a report on our eServices portal.

Lost and found pets

Dogs and cats that are lost or found in the Township can be taken directly to the Ontario SPCA Orillia Animal Centre located at 467 West Street North, Orillia

Canine control

Severn's Municipal Law Enforcement Officers respond to different types of dog service requests from residents and enforces the Township's Canine Control By-law including:

  • dog licences
  • kennel licences
  • dangerous dogs
  • seizing and impounding any dog that:
    • is found running at large
    • chases, bites, or attacks any person or domestic animal
    • damages public or private property

Contact information and hours

Contact our By-Law Enforcement Officers:

  • 705-325-2315 x240
  • 705-325-2318 x275

If your need to contact us after hours, on weekends, or on holidays please call:
  • 1-833-896-9963


Severn is home to many types of wildlife. It's important to remember to respect wildlife and observe from safe distances. If you notice an animal in distress, or have questions or complaints regarding wildlife, please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

If you see a rare, nesting, injured, or dead turtle in Severn, please contact the S.T.A.R.T. Turtle Project at 705-955-4284.

Bears and bear safety

Visit the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Bear Wise webpage for information on how you can prevent bear encounters and learn who to contact.

In an emergency situation, dial 9-1-1

The Bear Wise webpage includes information such as: 

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