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Wildlife Damage Program

You can apply for a reimbursement if a wild animal has killed any of your livestock as part of the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.

How to apply

Please submit details about the incident on our eServices portal within two days of the damage. We'll contact a Livestock Valuer who will visit you and assess the damage within three days.

Before you start

Take photos of the damage right away and make sure you don't destroy or dispose of any carcasses until the Livestock Valuer arrives. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) assigns the compensation value based on evidence given.

The Livestock Valuer will look for:

  • evidence that the livestock bled from the attack
  • signs of tissue damage and bruising under lacerations and puncture wounds
  • signs of a struggle, including drag marks on the ground, broken vegetation and blood around the site


To be eligible, your farm property must have a valid:

  • Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) or FBRN exemption
  • Premises Identification (PID) number

This program applies to livestock, poultry species or wildlife species. You can't apply if a dog caused the damage.

Reasonable Care Plan

After five Wildlife Damage Program applications within one calendar year, OMAFRA will send you the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Reasonable Care Plan application. You must complete and submit the application to OMAFRA before receiving compensation for a sixth application.

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