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Property Taxes

Annual property taxes

If you own a property in Severn, you will need to pay annual property taxes.

Learn how to:

Supplementary or omitted tax bills

Supplementary and omitted tax bills are issued based on a change in the value of your property. This value is determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

You may receive a supplementary or omitted tax bill if you:

  • build a new house
  • build an addition on your current house
  • build a deck, shed or other permitted structure on you property

Supplementary bills are for the current year. Omitted bills are for previous years.

Due dates for supplementary and omitted tax bills will be indicated on your bill. You can pay your bill by any of the payment methods available for regular tax bills, but adjustments will be required if you are enrolled in a payment plan. Contact our Taxation Officer for any questions regarding the payment of supplementary and omitted bills if you are enrolled in our pre-authorized payment plan.

If you disagree with your supplementary or omitted tax bill, please contact MPAC. The bills are issued as a result of changes in your property value as assessed by MPAC. We recommend that you pay your bill by the due date to avoid any late fees or penalties. 

2024 tax rates

Tax rates vary depending on the category of your building or property. For a summary of the 2024 tax rates you can view the Tax Rate By-law

We use the current year's property assessment and the tax rate to calculate your property taxes. 

For example:

  • (Your property assessment) x (tax rate) = your annual property taxes
  •  ($340,000) x (0.00932320) = $3,169.89 annual property taxes (based on a residential assessment)

Learn more about how we get your property assessment and your tax rate by viewing our Tax Rate By-law

Property class Township of Severn  Police services County of Simcoe Education Total
Residential or farm  0.00411614 0.00068207 0.00299499 0.00153000 0.00932320
Residential or undeveloped farmland 0.00308711 0.00051155 0.00224624 0.00114750 0.00699240
Multi-residential  0.00411614   0.00068207 0.00299499 0.00153000 0.00932320

Commercial, shopping centre and new construction (occupied and vacant)

0.00503116   0.00083369 0.00366078 0.008800000 0.01832563
Commercial payments in lieu (occupied and vacant) 0.00503116 0.00083369 0.00366078 0.00980000 0.01932563

Industrial and new construction (occupied and vacant)

0.00490850   0.00081337 0.00357153 0.00880000 0.01809340
Industrial payments in lieu (occupied and vacant) 0.00490850   0.00081337 0.00357153 0.01250000 0.02179340
Pipelines 0.00533699   0.00088437 0.00388330 0.00880000 0.01890466

Farm and managed forest tax incentive programs

0.00102904    0.00017052 0.00074875 0.00038250 0.00233081
Railway row 110/acre n/a n/a 74.12/acre 184.12/acre
Utility transmissions 19.94/acre n/a n/a  34.39/acre 54.33/acre

Where do my tax dollars go? 

For every dollar that you pay in taxes in 2024, only 44 cents goes to the Township of Severn. The rest of the money goes to police services (0.07 cents), education (0.17 cents), and the County of Simcoe (0.32 cents).  We work to ensure that the portion of your taxes that goes to the Township is put toward important services and infrastructure that help keep Severn a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

Here are some examples:

  • parks and recreation
  • planning and development
  • roads and bridge maintenance
  • public library
  • protection to persons and property
  • general government operations

With a 2.93% increase in the blended tax rate for 2024, the average single-family home in Severn with an assessed value of $340,000 will pay an additional $90.14.


2024 budget breakdown

View our annual Budget and Financial Statements to learn more. 

Severn Bulletin

The Severn Bulletin shares important information for our community six times per year. View our Paying Your Bill page to read the newsletter and find our more about free workshops, capital projects, and new recreation programming.

Tax sale properties

According to the Municipal Act, if property taxes aren't paid for two years, we can issue a tax arrears certificate. This certificate states that we can sell the property if taxes, penalties, interest and legal costs aren't paid within one year of registering the certificate.

Letter of authorization

As a property owner, you'll need a letter of authorization if you'd like us to release your property tax information to a third party, such as a spouse or family member not named as the property owner. 

View and pay your bills online

Register for your eServices account to view, pay, and manage your water, sewer and tax bills with one easy online account. 

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