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Parking in Severn is regulated through the Parking By-law.

Street parking

Always view the posted parking signs before parking on a street. Parking is regulated on certain streets during specific times. For a complete list of street parking, view the Parking By-law.

Street parking time regulations

Street name Section of street Maximum parking time limit Hours in effect

Coldwater Road

From the north limit of Robinson Street to the south limit of Sturgeon Bay Road

2 hour parking limit

7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Division Road West

On the north side from Martindale Crescent to Wainman Line

No parking

7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday

Earl Haid Avenue

From the east limit of Upper Bug Chute Road to the south limit of Severn River

2 hour parking limit

7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Earl Haid Avenue

On both sides of the street from the east limit of Upper Big Chute Road (County Road No. 17) to the south limit of Severn River

No parking

11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Gray Street

On the south side from Firehall Lane to Wyely Street

No parking

All hours

Muskoka Street

On both sides from the north limit to the south limit of County Road 169

2 hour parking limit

9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Doug Smith Drive

On both sides from the east limit of Upper Big Chute Road to the south limit at Severn River

4 hour parking limit

All hours

Division Road West

On the south side from Martindale Crescent to Wainman Line

No parking

All hours

Gray Street

From Coldwater Road to Firehall Lane

No parking

All hours

Michael Anne Drive

Gray Street to Coldwater Road

No parking

All hours

Parking restrictions

Always abide by parking and traffic control signs. If you don't follow these restrictions and regulations, you may receive a fine.

No person can stop, stand or park a vehicle in the following places:

  • on a sidewalk or on a boulevard
  • within three metres of a point in the edge of a roadway and nearest a fire hydrant
  • in front of or within three metres of a public or private driveway
  • on private property without permission
  • within nine metres of an intersection
  • on or within three metres of a crosswalk
  • on any bridge or approaches
  • double parked beside another vehicle
  • in a way that blocks the removal of another vehicle

Winter parking restrictions

In order to allow snowplows to clear the roadways, we've put in place seasonal parking restrictions. From December 1 to March 31, you are not permitted to park on a road between the hours of 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

Accessible parking

There are accessible parking spaces located throughout Severn. These spaces are designated with an accessible parking sign. In order to use an accessible parking space, you must:

  • properly display an accessible parking permit in your vehicle
  • be an individual with a disability or be transporting someone with a disability

If you own or operate a public parking area in Severn, you must provide designated accessible parking spaces. Accessible parking spaces must be:

  • three and a half metres in width
  • of the same length as other parking space in the parking area
  • hard surfaced
  • level
  • located so that they are readily accessible to via ramps, depressed curbs or other means
  • located within easy access of the building or complex the parking area serves
  • identified by signs that meet the regulations in the Highway Traffic Act
  • kept free from obstructions such as snow, ice, slush or other debris

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