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Short-term rentals

Township of Severn does not currently licence short-term rental accommodations.​

Short-term rentals commonly refer to when all or part of a dwelling unit is used to provide sleeping accommodations for any rental period that is less than 28 to 30 consecutive days in exchange for payment.

Online short-term rental platforms such as AirbnbRentbyOwner, and Vrbo describe online platforms that connect consumers to property owners or managers that rent these spaces. Short-term rentals have increased in popularity as they provide a unique alternative to hotels during travel, and offer income potential to the home owner.  Short-term rentals can present challenges to existing regulations and municipal by-laws. Homeowners should be aware of the by-laws that may affect the short-term rental of their property in Severn, also referred to as our Good Neighbour By-laws.

Good Neighbour By-laws

The Good Neighbour By-laws  include:

Contact us

By-law enforcement is responsible for investigating violations and ensuring compliance with all municipal by-laws.

If you have a concern about a short-term rental that may not be following our by-laws, please visit our eServices portal to submit your complaint.

Contact the rental platform

You can also directly contact the online platform that the rental is listed on. These companies may impose fines and restrictions on these properties as a result of complaints. 


Online: Visit the Airbnb Neighborhood Support website  
Phone:  1-855-635-7754


Phone: 1-877-202-4291



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