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Water Conservation

Township of Severn is committed to reducing water use, loss and waste. We promote water conservation and encourage you to do your part to help reduce water usage and protect our water sources for generations to come.

Lawn watering

To help conserve water and reduce costs, our Lawn Watering By-law restricts water usage from July 1 to September 30 each year.

If you live at an:

  • even numbered address, you can water your lawn on even numbered days
  • odd numbered address, you can water your lawn on odd numbered days

You can water from the hours of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Water leaks

It's a good idea to check your plumbing or perform a water audit to ensure that you don't have any leaks. High water bills can result from: 

  • plumbing leaks in toilets or fixtures
  • an increase in the number of people living or working in your dwelling
  • hot, dry weather that results in general increase in water
  • renovations, recent landscaping, or filling a swimming pool

If you have a leak, your water use will increase and remain high until the leak is fixed, affecting your water bill. If you discover a leak in your home, call a plumber for repairs. Please contact us if you suspect a leak in your service line.

Estimated cost of a water leak

Size of hole  Amount of water wasted Cost per day Cost for 91 days (standard billing period) Base water rate charge Estimated bill
1/15 inch 3.57 cubic metres (m3) (3,570 litres) in 24 hours $10.57 $961.62 $224.23 $1,185.857
1/8 inch 14 m3 (14,000 litres) in 24 hours $38.64 $3,771.04 $224.23 $3,995.27
3/16 inch 32.13 m3 (32,130 litres) in 24 hours $88.68 $8,654.54 $224.23 $8,878.77

*Estimated bill includes 2025 base charge water rate of $224.23 and assumes the user has exceeded the 68 m3 and is then being charged for $2.96/m3 in excess of 68 m3. 

Conservation tips

Here are some tips to help you conserve water:

  • don't over water your lawn (only requires 2.5 cm of water per week)
  • avoid watering your lawn during the hottest part of the day to limit evaporation
  • only run your dishwasher and washing machines when fully loaded
  • check that water softeners do not start continually running after a power outage
  • invest in water and energy saving units
  • invest in water saving fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and water wise showerheads
  • use a broom instead of a hose to clean sidewalks and driveways
  • cover your swimming pool to limit evaporation by 90%

View and pay your bills online

Register for your eServices account to view, pay, and manage your water, sewer and tax bills with one easy online account. 

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