1 University Avenue
Orillia, Ontario
L3V 0Y7
Website: www.opp.ca
Non-emergency calls
For complaints or calls for service, call 24-hours a day toll free:
- 1-888-310-1122
- 1-888-310-1133 (TTY)
In the case of an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
Our Municipal Law Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing municipal by-laws through investigating complaints.
If you believe that someone has broken a Township of Severn by-law, you can report a complaint. Please note that the Township’s by-law enforcement staff responds on a complaint-basis only to most matters. As per our By-law Violations and Complaints Policy, by-law enforcement complaints are confidential.
We don't investigate anonymous complaints. Please make sure to include your name, phone number and address along with a description of the by-law infraction.
To report any traffic complaints such as speeding, impaired driving, and road blockages or barricades that are creating unsafe conditions, please contact the Ontario Provincial Police, Orillia Detachment.
Contact the OPP Orillia Detachment
1 University Avenue
Orillia, Ontario
L3V 0Y7
Website: www.opp.ca
Non-emergency calls
For complaints or calls for service, call 24-hours a day toll free:
In the case of an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
Review some of the common by-law complaints and familiarize yourself with the appropriate by-laws.
Animal care and exotic animals (including chickens)
Our Animal Control By-law sets out restrictions for exotic animals, chickens, and rabbits, and provides requirements for general animal care.
This by-law does not apply to domestic dogs as covered under our by-law to Regulate Dogs and Kennels and the Control of Dogs.
You need a building permit in order to undertake a new building, renovation or addition project in Severn.
All properties need to meet the minimum clean yards maintenance requirements set out in the Clean and Clear Yards By-law. Review the by-law and learn how to file a complaint.
The most common clean yards complaints include:
Every dog in Severn must get a dog licence as per our Canine Control By-law
You should know:
Learn how to apply for a dog licence.
You need a fill permit in order to have soil or fill deposited or dumped on your property in Severn.
Low-hazard, non-public display fireworks for recreational purposes are permitted in Severn per our Fireworks By-law.
The following will require a permit and approval by Severn's Fire and Emergency department:
Fireworks of any type are not permitted during a Fire Ban and any permits will be suspended.
Learn more about our Fireworks By-law and apply for a Fireworks permit by contacting our Fire Prevention Officer or call 705-325-2315 x248.
The Township's Zoning By-law was amended in March 2024 to establish provisions for the regulation of Floating Accommodations.
The amended Zoning By-law:
View By-law 2024-13 or learn more on our Floating Accommodations page.
Township of Severn issues annual kennel licences which are needed to operate or own a kennel in Severn.
Requirements of the licence include:
Learn how to apply for a kennel licence.
The Township’s Noise By-law regulates certain types of noise in Severn.
This includes:
Review the by-law and learn how to file a complaint. If you need to request an exemption to the Noise By-law, please contact the Clerk.
The Weed Control Act regulates weeds that have been identified as noxious, which means that they have a negative impact on agriculture and/or horticulture operations. Learn more about noxious weeds in Ontario.
Township of Severn’s Open-Air Burning By-law regulates the issuing of fire permits, the size of fires and materials you can burn within an open-air fire.
We issue two types of fire permits:
With either type of permit, you can only burn tree branches or clean dry wood. You are not allowed to burn leaves or garden waste in an open-air fire. Learn more about open-air burning in Severn.
Apply online for a fire permit.
All properties need to meet the minimum requirements laid out in the Property Standards By-law. Review the property standards and learn how to file a complaint.
The most common property standards complaints include:
If you received an Order you can appeal the Order to the Property Standards Committee.
Township of Severn aims to provide a safe and friendly community for all residents and visitors. Our municipal by-laws set standards and help us build a safe environment.
By-laws are organized in a database, sorted by the year the by-law was approved by Council. If you're looking for a specific by-law, use the search feature located in the top left corner of the page or check out the Frequently Requested By-laws folder. You can search all by-laws using keywords.
Please contact us if you need help finding a by-law.
Contact us
1024 Hurlwood Lane
Severn, Ontario
Phone: 705-325-2315
Fax: 705-327-5818
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