The Coldwater BIA promotes the downtown business area located in Coldwater. The BIA consists of five members including one member of Council, and four members of the BIA. Learn more about the Coldwater BIA and its meetings and programs.
Committees and Boards
Township of Severn has a variety of committees and boards that advise Council on certain matters. Review each committee to learn what they're doing and find out how to get involved. You can view a list of our committees and boards and access agendas and minutes on our portal.
Appear as a delegation
If you'd like to present at a committee or board meeting, you need to request a delegation
Our committees and boards
The following committees and boards operate in Severn.
Coldwater Business Improvement Area (BIA)
The Committee of Adjustment reviews and makes decisions on minor variances and applications for consent under the Planning Act. Learn about upcoming in-person meetings and review the appeal process. Meetings are held in a hybrid format (with members, public meeting participants, and/or delegations appearing online via Zoom or in-person in Council Chambers. Meetings can be watched via our live stream or on our YouTube channel. The Committee of Adjustment also acts as the Township’s Property Standards Committee.
Community Emergency Management Committee
The Community Emergency Management Committee works to develop plans and protocols for the Township of Severn in the case of an emergency, such as an extreme weather event. View the Emergency Response Plan to learn more.
Review the responsibilities and minutes of the Corporate Services Committee. Meetings are held in-person at our Administration Office (1024 Hurlwood Lane) on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The public can attend in-person or the meeting can be watched via our live stream or on our YouTube channel.
Couchiching O.P.P Detachment Board
This independent Civilian Oversight Board as outlined in the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA) is committed to ensuring adequate and effective policing in the City of Orillia and the Townships of Oro-Medonte, Ramara, and Severn. Meetings are held four times a year on the first Wednesday of the month. Learn more on our Couchiching OPP Detachment Board page.
Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee
The Culture and Recreation Advisory Committee advises Council about culture and recreational programming. Meetings are held virtually six times a year on the second Tuesday of the month. You can watch the live stream of the meeting on our portal or recordings of the meeting are available on our YouTube channel.
Economic Development Advisory Committee
The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) advises Council on matters related to economic development.
The EDAC is comprised of:
- one staff representative from a business support agency
- one representative from the tourism, arts/culture, hospitality, and/or retail sector
- one representative from the construction sector
- one representative from the agriculture sector
- one at-large representative, who is a business owner within the Township of Severn
- one member of Township of Severn Council
Learn more about the committee and view the meeting schedule on the Economic Development Advisory Committee page.
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee
Learn about the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee and find out about upcoming meetings, members and review their responsibility and mandate. Meetings are held virtually twice per year or at the call of the committee chair.
Joint Compliance Audit Committee
Township of Severn is a member of the County of Simcoe Joint Compliance Audit Committee (Joint CAC) that serves all the County’s sixteen lower tier municipalities and the City of Orillia. Learn more about the committee and how to submit an application for a compliance audit.
Livestock Valuers will assess the value of any livestock that are killed by wildlife in Severn. Learn how to report damaged livestock
Planning and Development Committee
The Planning and Development Committee reviews and advises on new planning and development projects in Severn. Review the committee meetings, minutes and responsibilities. Meetings are held in a hybrid format (with members, public meeting participants, and/or delegations appearing online via Zoom or in-person in Council Chambers) on the third Wednesday of each month and can be watched via our live stream or on our YouTube channel.
Township of Severn Poundkeepers house and secure all livestock that are found at large in Severn. Please file a report if you find an animal at large.
The Property Standards Committee reviews property standards complaints. Learn more about the complaint process. Meetings are held in-person and can be watched via our live stream or on our YouTube channel
The Public Library Board runs and operates the Severn Township Public Library. Learn more about the in-person committee meetings and membership.
Committee procedures
Review the Council and Committee Procedures to learn about the rules and regulations that govern all committee and Council meetings.
Council committee appointments to outside agencies
Township of Severn also appoints members of Council to sit on a variety of outside agencies and committees.
- Coldwater Business Improvement Area (BIA)
- Councillor Dan Janssen, Ward 2
- Coldwater Mill Heritage Foundation
- Councillor Mark Taylor, Ward 1
- County of Simcoe Council and Various Committees
- Mayor Mike Burkett
- Deputy Mayor Judith Cox
- ODAS Park
- Councillor Phil Brennan, Ward 3
- Orillia and Area Lake Country Tourism
- Mayor Mike Burkett
- Orillia and District Chamber of Commerce
- Councillor Phil Brennan, Ward 3
- Orillia and Area Physician Recruitment Committee
- Councillor Phil Brennan, Ward 3
- Orillia Public Library Board
- Councillor Wanda Minnings, Ward 4
- Severn Sound Environmental Association
- Councillor Mark Taylor, Ward 1
- Southeast Georgian Bay Chamber of Commerce
- Councillor Dan Janssen, Ward 2
- Drinking Water Source Water Protection (South Georgian Bay | Lake Simcoe)
- Councillor Mark Taylor, Ward 1
- Derek Burke, Director of Public Works
- Andrea Woodrow, Director of Planning and Development
- South Georgian Bay Mayor's Group
- Mayor Mike Burkett
- Top Aggregate Producing Municipalities of Ontario
- Mayor Mike Burkett
- Laurie Kennard, Chief Administration Officer
Privacy statement
Information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act. Information collected will be used and managed by the Township of Severn in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you require additional information, please view our Freedom of Information and Routine Disclosure Policy
Contact us
1024 Hurlwood Lane
Severn, Ontario
Phone: 705-325-2315
Fax: 705-327-5818
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