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Property Standards Committee

The Property Standards Committee is a quasi-judicial committee that hears appeals related to the Property Standards By-law in Severn. This committee follows the regulations set out in the Ontario Building Code

Make an appeal

If you own or occupy a property that has received an order based on a Property Standards By-law infraction and you're not satisfied with the terms and conditions of the order, you can make an appeal to the Property Standards Committee.

Please complete and print the Property Standards Notice of Appeal and submit it through registered mail:

Township of Severn
Attention: Clerk
PO Box 159
Orillia, Ontario
L3V 0Y6

You must submit a Notice of Appeal within 14 days of receiving the order.


It costs $250 to submit a Notice of Appeal to the Property Standards Committee.

Committee hearings

Once we receive a Notice of Appeal, the Property Standards Committee will notify all parties at least two weeks before the scheduled date of the appeal hearing. View our committee calendar for public notices of upcoming committee hearings.

During the hearing we'll collect and review all evidence related to the matter.


The Property Standards Committee consists of five members of the public.

Meet the current members:

  • Richard Bossy
  • Meagan Hawkins
  • Christine Hiles
  • Michael Kish
  • Mark Vandergeest

Notice of the decision

The Property Standards Committee will mail out the final decision to all parties involved following the committee hearing. The decision will also be available through the committee meeting minutes.

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