The Integrity Commissioner is an independent resource who reports to Council and who is responsible for performing the following functions:
- provide advice on the application of the Code of Conduct and on Township policies, procedures, protocols and rules relating to the ethical conduct of members and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
- to conduct inquiries in response to a complaint regarding whether members of Council have contravened the Code of Conduct, Township policies, procedure, protocols and rules related to the ethical conduct of members of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
- to provide opinions on policy matters and make other reports to Council as requested on issues of ethics and integrity
- to provide educational information and training to Council, to members and to the public on matters related to the Code of Conduct and issues of ethics and integrity and to the Municipal Freedom of Interest Act
- to provide general information to members of the public, on request, about the Code of Conduct, the Complaint Protocol and the availability of complaint resolution services or referrals as contemplated by the Complaint Protocol
- to provide such other services respecting ethical and integrity matters as assigned by Council or as may be required under the Municipal Act, with respect to the ethical conduct and behaviour of members of Council and local boards