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Mayor's Office

Get to know Mayor Mike Burkett. Please contact the Mayor's Office if you have any questions or want to get in touch.

Business milestone events

Please complete this form if you'd like to request the attendance of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, member(s) of Council, or staff at a business anniversary, grand opening, grand re-opening, retirement, or other type of special business event. 

We require at least two weeks' notice to coordinate the attendance of a Township representative at your business event. Home-based businesses are invited to participate as we host quarterly business celebration events at our Administration Office

View our Business Milestone Policy.

Congratulatory certificates

Are you or a loved one celebrating a major life milestone? Would you like to recognize an achievement by a member or group in your community?

It takes two to three weeks to prepare and deliver your message. We offer congratulatory certificates for special events, birthdays and anniversaries:

  • birthdays must be 75 years and older
  • anniversaries must be 50 years or more


We issue proclamations to recognize and raise awareness around important issues or charitable fundraising campaigns in Severn. All proclamations are issued at the discretion of the Mayor.

Flag raising

Township of Severn aims to raise awareness around certain issues and foster a sense of community through flag raising. As a resident, you can request a flag raising to celebrate national holidays, multicultural events, or fundraising campaigns. Please submit your request at least four weeks before the flag raising.

A message from Mayor Burkett

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Severn. As Mayor in my fourth term, I'm proud to represent the citizens of the Township of Severn. Whether you're a lifelong resident or visiting for a holiday, you'll surely catch a glimpse of our beautiful, warm, and inviting municipality and I know you'll be impressed with all that we have to offer.

Severn is nestled in the northern corner of Simcoe County and is considered the gateway to the Canadian Shield. With an abundance of open space, natural beauty, and pristine waterways, Severn offers year-round activities. Our rural and urban settlements provide an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation, and our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to serve you. I invite you to come and discover Severn!

—Mayor Mike Burkett

View and pay your bills online

Register for your eServices account to view, pay, and manage your water, sewer and tax bills with one easy online account. 

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