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Presenting to Council

We encourage you to be active in local politics by attending a Township of Severn Council meeting. If you have an issue you'd like to speak about or present to Council or a board or committee, you'll need to request a delegation.

Request a delegation

Please complete the Meeting Delegation Request form in order to present before Council or one of our boards or committees.

You must submit the request by 12 p.m. on the Monday of the week before the scheduled meeting. All requests are subject to confirmation.

A limited number of delegation spaces are available at each meeting. Delegations will be scheduled as time and space permits. If there are no delegation spaces remaining at the requested meeting, we'll schedule your delegation for the next available meeting.

Delegation guidelines

Delegations will receive 15 minutes to present and you must submit all presentation materials a week in advance.

If a delegation has already been held on a certain topic, a new delegation will not be granted unless you're providing new information on the subject matter.

At the end of a delegation, Council will either:

  • refer your topic to staff for a report;
  • refer a request to budget deliberations; or
  • take no further action.

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