The Asset Management Plan consists of an inventory and assessment of all current assets owned by the Township of Severn. This includes facilities and infrastructure. The plan also looks at how we can prioritize and improve our assets through the establishment of an Asset Management Strategy.
Plans, Reports and Studies
Township of Severn is always planning for the future. Review a variety of plans, reports and studies to learn more about municipal planning. All plans align with the overall vision set out in our Strategic Plan.
In April 2018, Severn Council demonstrated the Township’s commitment to preserving its natural environment by taking action on climate change and approved a model resolution to join the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program.
Since joining, the Township has achieved Milestone 1, 2 and 3, and is currently working with the Severn Sound Environmental Association to achieve Milestones 4 and 5 through implementation of our Municipal Climate Change Action Plan.
Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
The Couchiching Community Safety and Well-Being Plan identifies four local social development priorities. We're committed to working together to:
- improve mental health and addictions services
- improve access to vital services
- enhance services that support employability
- strengthen the health of our community by nurturing social connectedness
Development Charges Background Study
The Development Charges Background Study outlines how we set our fees to meet the needs of future growth within our community.
The creation of our first Economic Development Strategy was one of four strategic directions outlined in Council's 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan. This strategy aims to leverage Severn's unique assets and identify additional opportunities by working with our local businesses, stakeholders, and other partners to create a vision for a strong and sustainable local economy.
Our Emergency Response Plan outlines how the municipality will respond in the case of an emergency. This plan includes emergency notification procedures and individual responsibilities of Township staff during an emergency.
Energy consumption plans and reports
The Energy Management Plan looks at ways to improve energy efficiency in municipal facilities and operations. The goal is to:
- continuously improve the energy efficiency of our facilities in order to reduce operating costs, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
- ensure that our renovation and construction projects embody best practices in energy-efficient design and promote LEED certification in our tenders
- create a corporate culture of conservation
Contact us to request a copy of the Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting for the years 2011 to 2019. We're happy to provide you with a copy of these documents.
Review the our Engineering Standards which set out design guidelines for a variety of different building and planning projects.
Introduction and General Requirements
Our Engineering Standards are provided as guidelines to ensure uniform design throughout the Township for all types of projects, including infrastructure and land development.
This section includes the following information:
- overview
- revisions
- definitions
- barrier free considerations
- climate change
View the Introduction and General Requirements section
Engineering Drawing, Reports, and Submission Requirements
The purpose of this section is to outline the minimum requirements for engineering drawings, reports, and submissions to be made to the Township.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- submission process
- drawing requirements
- supporting reports
- bridge and culvert structure submissions
View the Engineering Drawings, Reports and Submission Requirements section
Engineering Requirements for Development Applications
This section is provided as a general guideline for engineering requirements that apply to land development projects in Severn. The design of all land development projects must meet Township standards as well as all other standards, codes, by-laws, and legislation.
This section includes Standards and information that applies to:
- Planning Act applications
- pre-consultation requirements
- site alteration
- pre-servicing
- Site Plan developments
- Site Plan Control Agreements
- construction requirements
- Subdivision developments
- general requirements
- engineering requirements for draft Plan approval
- drawing and submission requirements
- additional design requirements
- Easement and Block requirements
- Subdivision Agreements
- model homes and/or sales office
- administrative fees, securities, and Development Charges
View the Engineering Requirements for Development Applications section
This section outlines the minimum requirements for landscaping, including but not limited to the preservation, protection, and planting of trees. Standards now include considerations for plant and tree diversity and establish requirements for reasonable parkland features and amenities.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- tree inventory and preservation plans
- tree protection barrier
- tree planting
- topsoil, seed, and sod
- streetscape elements
- parkland
- fencing
The purpose of this section is to provide the minimum requirements for the design and construction of roads in Severn. Overall, all roadways within the Township are to be designed to maximize the safety of all users, including vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians, while also aligning with all other acts, codes, standards, and legislation.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- Roadway Classification
- pavement structure
- geometric design
- intersection design
- cul-de-sacs
- temporary turning circles
- driveways and entrances
- mailboxes
- curb and gutter
- subdrain
- pedestrian and cyclist ways
- utilities and lighting
- transit requirements
- traffic calming
Signage and Pavement Markings
The purpose of this section is to outline the minimum requirements for the design and construction of signage and pavement markings.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- signage (general, traffic signs, and street name signs)
- pavement markings
View the Signage and Pavement Markings section
Sanitary System
This section provides guidance for the design and construction of municipal servicing and any related sanitary system components. The design must accommodate sanitary drainage from all sources, including any contributing external areas as well as infiltration.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- design flows
- pipe sizing and specifications
- maintenance hole requirements
- service connections
- Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer Systems
- inflow and infiltration reduction
- sanitary sewer rehabilitation
- permitting and approvals
- testing and acceptance
View the Sanitary System section
Water System
The responsibility for the supply, treatment, storage, and distribution of water rests with the Township. This section provides guidance for the design and construction of any water system components.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- water demand per proposed land use
- sizing and specifications
- testing and acceptance
Stormwater Management and Storm Sewers
This section outline the minimum requirements for the design and construction of municipal stormwater servicing within the Township.
This section includes detailed Standards for:
- general requirements
- hydrologic analysis
- storm sewer design
- pipe sizing and specifications
- maintenance hole requirements
- catch basin requirements
- rainwater leaders, foundation drains, and storm connections
- subdrain
- channels and overland flow
- culverts and bridges
- inlet, outlet, and special structures
- hydraulic modelling tools
- embankment stabilization
- controls and requirements
- superpipes/storage chambers
- testing and acceptance
View the Stormwater Management and Storm Sewers section
Detail Drawings
This section includes detailed examples of the drawing requirements for each Standard, including:
- service location for:
- single family and semi-detached residential
- townhouse units
- Commercial, Industrial, and multi-residential
- supports for:
- water mains and sewers crossing new trenches
- house connections and catch basin leads
- sanitary sewer cleanouts
- Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer cleanouts
- Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer grinder pump system
- semi-urban local road (open ditch)
- local residential roads
- urban local residential road
- urban collector road
- rural arterial roads (open ditch)
- temporary turnaround (residential (rural) and residential (urban))
- residential cul-de-sac (rural and urban)
- shared driveway delineation
- street name sign
- municipal address number sign location (rural)
- urban community mailbox lay-by
- fences
- chain link security
- wood privacy
- pedestrian walkway
- multi-use recreational trail through naturalized area
- multi-use path within road allowance
- driveway approach paving for:
- residential driveways
- Commercial, Industrial, and apartments
- typical legend for lot grading plan
- drainage drawings for:
- front lot drainage
- rear lot drainage
- rear lot drainage for walkout or back split house
- front lot drainage for front split house
- Standard Plan sheets for development projects
- Standard Plan sheets for capital projects
- general notes for:
- construction
- storm sewers
- sanitary sewers
- water mains
- roads
- construction entrance mat
- joint utility trench - 4 party
- street lighting:
- direct buried
- pedestal
- access culverts for fire hydrants and hydro transformers
- dry hydrant detail
- air release valve in chamber
- temporary above grade by-pass connection for watermains
- temporary above grade by-pass connection to existing fire hydrant for new water mains
- tree planting
- deciduous
- coniferous
- shrub planting
- bollards
- removable
- timber
- trail gate
The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan identifies accessibility barriers and prioritizes and sets out a plan to remove barriers over a five-year period. This includes ensuring that all facilities, programs and services are delivered in an accessible manner. This plan is prepared by the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee.
The Recreation Master Plan provides an assessment of the current Township recreation facilities, parks and open spaces as well as recreation programs and services to see if we're meeting the needs of the community. Review the 15-year Recreation Master Plan to learn about the recommendations and implementation considerations.
In order to ensure that we're providing quality road networks and infrastructure, we have conducted the following roads studies and assessments:
The Transportation Master Plan serves as a road map for short-range, medium-range and long-range transportation infrastructure investments.
The plan guides how we:
- develop our roadways
- coordinate infrastructure improvements with land uses
- respond to future growth and demand on our transportation network
We're committed to providing rates that are sustainable, fair and affordable. The Water and Sewer Rate Study includes the forecasted rates for the next ten years.
Water Ontario Regulation Financial Plan
The Water Ontario Regulation Financial Plan outlines a financial plan in order to make our water system more financially sustainable.
Contact us
1024 Hurlwood Lane
Severn, Ontario
Phone: 705-325-2315
Fax: 705-327-5818
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