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Strategic Plan

Township of Severn's Strategic Plan communicates Council's priorities, goals, and high-level actions for the 2023 to 2026 term. 


Township of Severn is a welcoming, community-focused municipality that promotes responsible development, encourages all-season tourism, and delivers a high level of service. We celebrate our unique identity, preserve the natural environment, and value our historic small-town charm.


Through excellence in service and preservation of our historic and natural assets, the Township of Severn enhances the quality of life for residents and creates opportunities for the community. We welcome investments that complement and respect our rural character.

Strategic directions

We outlined four strategic directions along with key actions that we can take to reach our goals. Review the goals and actions for each strategic direction outlined in the Strategic Plan

Our goal is to complete an economic development strategy to enhance our capacity to attract and retain businesses.


In order to achieve this goal, we plan to:

  • prepare an Economic Development Strategy including a strategic assessment of how to best work with partner agencies
  • develop a strategy for development-ready lands

Our goal is to improve responsiveness, communications, engagement, outreach, and ease of access.


In order to achieve this goal, we plan to:

  • implement a service tracking database
  • review the Customer Service Policy
  • launch a Customer Service Portal
  • prepare a Community Engagement Strategy

Our goal is to advocate for affordable broadband to our residents and businesses.


In order to achieve this goal, we plan to:

  • complete a Needs Analysis
  • advocate for improved services
  • streamline approval processes for access agreements and utility permits

Our goal is to ensure we are prepared and can adapt to meet the housing demand and changing demographics with servicing, water, and roads.


In order to achieve this goal, we plan to:

  • develop a Master Servicing Plan
  • pursue funding partnerships for the Westshore Recreation Facility
  • pursue tools to financially support critical infrastructure
  • implement the Recreation Master Plan
  • explore partnerships with neighbouring municipalities for facility use

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