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Facilities and Docks

We have a variety of parks, beaches and sports fields as well as facilities and community halls available for rent. Check out our municipal facilities for your next event and explore the public docks and boat launches.

Facilities and community centres

Facility availability

Please contact us to see if the facility you want is available before you submit a facility rental permit application.

Rental permits

If you would like to rent the Coldwater and District Community Centre or the Washago Community Centre, you need to complete the Facility Permit Application and submit it by email

You will need to include the following information on your rental application:

  • rooms and facility spaces requested
  • purpose of the rental
  • name and contact information
  • date and time of rental
  • proof of insurance
  • rental fee payment

View the rental fees for the Coldwater and District Community Centre. One hour of ice rental is equivalent to 50 minutes of ice time and 10 minutes for ice resurfacing. 

Adult ice rental fees

Activity Rental length Fee
Prime time (Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday, including holidays) Hourly $169.40 plus HST
Non-prime time (Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Hourly $135.31 plus HST
Tournaments and special events Hourly $177.34 plus HST

Youth ice rental fees

Activity Rental length Fee

Prime time (Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday, including holidays)


$120.24 plus HST

Non-prime time (Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.)


$73.17 plus HST

Tournaments and special events


$126.84 plus HST

School board ice rental fees

Activity Rental length Fee

Prime time (Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday, including holidays)


$88.40 plus HST

Non-prime time (Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.)


$54.90 plus HST

Tournaments and special events


$92.69 plus HST

Floor rental fees

The following flat rates apply to all special event floor rentals:

  • $177 plus HST for floor set up and take down
  • $265.49 plus HST for a non-profit event rental
  • $398.23 plus HST for business event rentals

Arena floor rental fees

Rental type Rental length Fee



$50.45 plus HST



$35.40 plus HST

Adult – Tournament


$51.46 plus HST

Youth – Tournament


$36.11 plus HST

Please note

It costs an additional $10 per hour for ice, floor, and hall rentals on statutory holidays.

Please review the terms and conditions found on the permit application. By signing the permit application, you acknowledge, understand and agree to the following:

  • The issuance of a Facility Use Permit is entirely at the discretion of Township of Severn. The Township reserves the right to cancel any Agreement temporarily or permanently.
  • The facility named on this Agreement is to be used on the date(s) and time(s) specified and only for the purpose(s) named. The agreement is not valid unless signed by the applicant and approved by the Township.
  • The Agreement is not transferable without the express written consent of the Township.
  • Township of Severn will not be responsible for personal injury or for the loss or theft of clothing/equipment of the applicant/organization, or anyone attending on the invitation of the applicant/organization.
  • Smoking is prohibited on all developed parkland, sports fields, playgrounds and recreational trails within the Township of Severn. The Permit Holder will be responsible to ensure that the Township Smoking By-law is adhered to by all participants.

The maximum attendance at any facility shall be governed by Fire Regulations or the Department of Health. All exits must be kept free from obstruction at all times.

To cancel this permit, written notification must be received by Township of Severn at least 14 days before the date of the event stated on the Agreement or full rental payment is required.

Community hall rental permits

If you would like to rent one of our community halls, you need to complete the Community Hall Rental Permit Application and submit it by email. This application is for the Coldwater Community Hall and Washago Community Centre rentals. You can rent these facilities for receptions, dances, showers, banquets and more.

You will need to include the following information on the application:

  • facility location
  • purpose of the rental
  • name and contact information
  • date and time of rental
  • type of rental (i.e., liquor license)
  • deposit of $150.00 plus HST to hold the date requested
  • proof of insurance (upon rental confirmation)

View the rental fees for the Coldwater Community Hall. You will need to provide a $150 to hold your space. We also require a $150 damage deposit for all Coldwater Community Hall rentals. Full payment is due 30 days before the rental date.

Non-profit rental fees

Dates Liquor licence required Rental length Fee

Sunday to Thursday



$10 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday



$15 plus HST

Friday and Saturday



$12 plus HST

Friday and Saturday



$18 plus HST

Business rental fees

Dates Liquor licence required Rental length Fee

Sunday to Thursday



$15 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday



$18 plus HST

Friday and Saturday



$15 plus HST

Friday and Saturday



$21 plus HST

The following additional facility fees may apply depending on the rental requirements:

  • $50 for full use of the kitchen
  • $10 kitchen use (coffee only)
  • $25 for use of the bar facility
  • $40 for facility set up and take down

Washago Community Centre rental fees

View the rental fees for the Washago Community Centre. You will need to pay a $150 deposit to hold your rental. We also require you to provide a $150 damage deposit. Full payment is due 30 days before the rental date.

Non-profit rental fees

Dates Liquor licence required Facility use Rental length Fee

Sunday to Thursday


Half hall


$7.50 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday


Full hall


$10 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday


Half hall


$11.25 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday


Full hall


$15 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Half hall


$9 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Full hall


$12 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Half hall


$13.50 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Full hall


$33 plus HST

Business rental fees

Dates Liquor licence required Facility use Rental length Fee

Sunday to Thursday


Half hall


$15 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday


Full hall


$15 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday


Half hall


$18 plus HST

Sunday to Thursday


Full hall


$18 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Half hall


$15 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Full hall


$15 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Half hall


$21 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


Full hall


$60 plus HST

Meeting room rental fees

Dates Rental length Fee

Sunday to Thursday


$7.70 plus HST

Friday and Saturday


$9 plus HST

Depending on the rental, the following flat fees may apply:

  • $20 plus HST for event set up and take down
  • $10 plus HST for use of kitchen (coffee only)
  • $50 plus HST for use of kitchen (oven and stove top)
  • $25 plus HST for use of the bar area
  • $25 plus HST for the use of the sound system
  • projection screen (no charge)

Please review the terms and conditions found on the permit application. By signing the permit application, you acknowledge, understand and agree to the following:

  • The issuance of a Facility Use Permit is entirely at the discretion of Township of Severn. The Township reserves the right to cancel any Agreement temporarily or permanently.
  • The facility named on this Agreement is to be used on the date(s) and time(s) specified and only for the purpose(s) named. The agreement is not valid unless signed by the applicant and approved by the Township.
  • The Agreement is not transferable without the express written consent of the Township.
  • Township of Severn will not be responsible for personal injury or for the loss or theft of clothing/equipment of the applicant/organization, or anyone attending on the invitation of the applicant/organization.
  • Smoking is prohibited on all developed parkland, sports fields, playgrounds and recreational trails within the Township of Severn. The Permit Holder will be responsible to ensure that the Township Smoking By-law is adhered to by all participants.
  • The maximum attendance at any facility shall be governed by Fire Regulations or Department of Health. All exits must be kept free from obstruction at all times.

The cancellation fee is is based on the date that written notification is received by Township of Severn.  

  • 50% of the total rental if cancelled less than 60 days before the rental date
  • 75% of the total rental if cancelled if less than 30 days before the rental date

Public docks and boat launches

Are you interested in spending a day on the water? We have multiple public docks and boat launches available to access our lakes and rivers.

Municipal Alcohol Policy

If you are holding an event in one of our facilities or parks, you need to follow the regulations outlined in the Municipal Alcohol Policy in order to serve alcohol. You will need to apply for a Special Occasion Permit through the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

Alcohol is permitted on the following municipal properties with a Special Occasion Permit:

  • Coldwater and District Community Centre (arena floor – non-ice events only and upper hall)
  • Lake St. George Community Centre (upper and lower hall)
  • Matchedash Heritage Community Centre (main hall)
  • Washago Community Centre (main hall)
  • Coldwater Fairgrounds (designated areas)
  • Washago Centennial Park (designated areas)

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