Washago Centennial Park is located at 3398 Quetton Street and includes the following amenities:
- washrooms
- picnic tables
- park benches
- playground
- baseball diamond
- soccer pitch
- dog park
- beach
- outdoor fitness
- walking trail
- boat launch ramp
- pavilion
- multi-use sports courts
- outdoor rink and outdoor pickleball courts (Washago Community Centre location)
Guidelines for sport court use
- Court uses include basketball, pickleball, or tennis only.
- Hockey sticks and hockey nets are not permitted.
- No use of skateboards, inline skates, or bikes.
- No dogs or pets on the courts.
- Hours of use are from dawn until dusk.
- Court use is on a first come, first serve basis.
- There is a one-hour limit of play when users are waiting.
- No food or beverage is permitted on the court.
- Please be respectful of other court users and the courts.
- Vandalism may result in the courts being closed.
- The courts are not supervised. Use at your own risk.
- Users under 13 years of age should be supervised.
- Township of Severn is not liable for any injuries.
- In case of emergency call 9-1-1.
Frequently asked questions
How and when can I access the courts?
The hours of use are from dawn until dusk daily.
What time can I use the lights at the courts?
The lights will be on from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. They are on a dial system that can be set for one hour intervals.
The dial is located on the side of the brown shed approximately 35 feet north-west of the court. It is the only structure in the park besides the washrooms.
The lights will turn off after that time has passed and will need to be restarted/redialed for use. This is so that the lights will not be on unnecessarily, and only on when the court is in use.
Within what hours can I play each sport?
There is no schedule set at this time. We want to better understand the level of use for each sport and we will then determine if a set schedule is needed. If that is decided, hours will be posted at each court.
What equipment is available for use?
The tennis court net is removable for when users would like to set up their own pickleball nets. Pickleball nets are not provided unless you are an approved community steward. All other equipment (i.e., racquets, paddles, balls) are not provided by the Township of Severn.
How can I get access to pickleball nets?
We’re working with our community stewards to increase access to the storage boxes that hold the pickleball nets. If you would like to contact staff about acquiring access to the nets, you can email recreation@severn.ca or call 705-325-2315 x236.
Who can I contact about maintenance or safety issues?
Contact our Customer Care Team or submit your concern on our eServices portal.