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Are you looking to give back to your community? We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available. Check out the volunteer opportunities, join a board or committee or get involved with one of our community groups and organizations.

Volunteer opportunities 

Join a committee or board

Township of Severn has a variety of committees and boards that advise Council on certain matters. Visit our Committees and Boards page to view the current vacancies.

Recreation program support

Outdoor rinks

Each winter, we need volunteers for the Bass Lake Woodlands Park and Washago Community Centre outdoor rinks.  Volunteers must be able to work outdoors in the cold and be available weeknights and weekend nights. Training is provided. The outdoor rinks are volunteer-dependent, meaning that they can't exist without community members willing to support them.

Volunteer duties include but are not limited to:

  • shoveling snow from the ice surface
  • watering (flooding) down the rink
  • ensuring the skating surface is in overall good condition
  • reporting ice conditions to Township staff

To help out, complete the Outdoor Rink Volunteer form or contact us

Sports programs

If your child is registered in one of our sports programs, such as T-ball or Little Kickers, you will receive 50 percent off the registration fee if you come out and volunteer. Please contact us if you're interested. 

As a volunteer in recreation, you'll work with our staff to assist in running drills and monitoring the participants. Please note, volunteer opportunities only apply to certain recreation programs.

Become a volunteer firefighter

Learn how to become a volunteer firefighter for Severn Fire and Emergency Services. Review the application process to see if you meet the qualifications.

View and pay your bills online

Register for your eServices account to view, pay, and manage your water, sewer and tax bills with one easy online account. 

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Stay up to date on programs and projects by subscribing to our News and Notices.

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