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Ward Boundary Review

Severn is reviewing its ward boundaries to ensure it continues to be an effective and equitable system of representation that keeps pace with population growth and changes in our community.

What is a ward boundary review?

A ward boundary review is a process undertaken by a local municipality to assess and potentially adjust the boundaries of its electoral wards. Electoral wards are geographical areas within a municipality that determine which residents are represented by each elected councillor.

Purpose of review

The purpose of the ward boundary review is to ensure fair and effective representation for all residents within the municipality. The review will determine if it is necessary to adjust the ward boundaries to achieve a more balanced distribution of population among wards. This helps to ensure that each councillor represents a similar number of constituents, promoting equitable representation and responsiveness to community needs.

How will this review impact me?

A ward boundary change means the lines dividing different neighbourhoods and areas of Severn may be redrawn. This can affect which area you vote in and who represents you on Severn Council. It can also change how many people live in your ward. This can influence how municipal decisions are made. 

How can I get involved?

The first phase of the project is now underway. The consultants, Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. are gathering and reviewing all relevant studies and data and are looking for feedback from the community, Council, and other stakeholders on the ward boundary review process. View the project timeline below for more information.

There are several ways you can have your say:

Open house information

Severn residents were invited to learn about ward boundaries and contribute their thoughts and considerations to the ward boundary review process on November 21, 2024. Two sessions were offered to accommodate the community. 

Know your ward

Not sure which ward you live in? Find out using our interactive map

Project resources

  • Fall 2024: Project initiation, information gathering and research
  • October 9, 2024: Council workshop
  • Fall 2024: Online and in-person public engagement and consultation
  • Fall 2024: Interviews with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and members of Council
  • Winter 2025: Interim reports
  • Winter 2025: Population and growth forecasts
  • Winter 2025: Development of preliminary ward boundary alternatives
  • Spring 2025: Online and in-person public engagement and consultation
  • Spring 2025: Finalization of alternatives
  • May 2025: Final report and recommendations

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