The purpose of the proposed new Official Plan is to ensure conformity to current Provincial and County of Simcoe plans, policies, and legislation and to reflect the goals and values of the community. The proposed new Official Plan is intended to establish a planning and growth management framework for the Township to the year 2051.
Township of Severn Council originally adopted a new Official Plan on November 14, 2022. The adopted Official Plan was sent to the County of Simcoe as the approval authority. The County of Simcoe provided comments and proposed modifications to the Township staff for discussion. In the meantime, the Province has unveiled some changes to the planning legislation and policies that will directly impact the Official Plan.
Township staff has worked closely with the planning consultants who were retained by the Township to assist in the preparation of the new Official Plan, to review of the County’s proposed modifications, the legislative and policy changes brought forward by the Province and to consider further modifications.
The scope of the proposed modifications warrants an additional opportunity for public review and commenting prior to the Township Council considering re-adoption of the proposed new Official Plan.