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Budget and Financial Statements

Township of Severn is committed to financial transparency. As a result, we publish our annual budget and financial statements. Review the Township's Asset Management Plan to see how we are managing our assets now and in the future.

Our annual budget helps us deliver services and infrastructure that people use every day. It also ensures we provide value for money and that your tax dollars are spent wisely.

In December 2024, Council approved the 2025 Budget with a 4.88% blended tax increase to 2025 property tax bills.

View the summary of the 2025 budget

For an average home in Severn with an assessed value of $340,000, the approved blended rate amounts to a $154.76 increase over 2024 levels, or an additional $12.90 per month, with a total tax bill of $3,325 in 2025.

For every dollar that you pay in property taxes, 0.45 cents goes to the Township of Severn. The rest of the money goes to the County of Simcoe (0.32 cents), local school boards (Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board and the Simcoe County District School Board) (0.16 cents combined) and policing (0.07 cents).

We work to ensure that the portion of your taxes that goes to the Township is put toward important services and infrastructure that help keep our residents safe.

Here are some examples:

  • parks and recreation
  • planning and development
  • roads and bridge maintenance
  • public library
  • protection to persons and property
  • general government operations

breakdown of services for your tax dollars



Although we only keep 45 cents of every property tax dollar collected, we work hard to ensure that money is spent wisely.

Keep our community moving

An investment of $3.54 million in road renewal will improve sections of:

  • Bayou Road
  • Crescent Bay Road
  • Foxmead Road
  • Gray Street
  • Narrows Road
  • Sturgeon Bay Road

Another $830,000 will support the redesign of the Burnside Line and Division Road intersection and allow for upgrades to the Claresbridge Lane Bridge.

Our Roads Needs Study provides us guidance for road projects. Learn more on our Plans and Studies page.

Designs will be completed to identify options to improve the function and performance of:

  • Fesserton Sideroad
  • Menoke Beach Road
  • Goldstein Road
  • Hamilton Street
Enhance community parks and spaces

Investment into our recreation assets continues with $55,000 for ball diamond enhancements in Coldwater and at Marchmont Community Park. Uhthoff Trail resurfacing will take place with support of a grant from the County of Simcoe, and new park signage will beautify outdoor spaces throughout Severn. To advance the recommendation from the Port Severn Property Feasibility Study, $45,000 has been allocated to complete concept designs for the Port Severn Park project.

Protect our citizens and volunteers

Severn Fire and Emergency Services has received over $35,000 in grant funding that will support cancer prevention measures for municipal firefighters. Dangerous chemicals can attach themselves to turnout and bunker gear and our new extractors are an important step towards properly handling gear and making the job safer for our firefighters. Another $98,000 will allow for the purchase of needed equipment, including specialized tools to neutralize electric vehicle batteries.

Produce safe drinking water

Over $760,000 will be invested into the production of safe drinking water, with over $1 million earmarked for improvements to our water and wastewater infrastructure.

Planning for the future

This budget accounts for a new Water Rates Study, the Coldwater Fairgrounds Master Plan, and continued work on the Servicing Master Plan, the Coldwater Wastewater Treatment Plant study, and the Ward Boundary Review. These plans and initiatives provide a road map for our community’s future needs and growth. You can get involved by visiting our Have Your Say page.

Capital budget

Our capital budget includes the funds necessary to maintain and build facilities and infrastructure within the Township.

View the 2025 capital budgets:

Financial statements

View the Township's annual financial statements:

Contact us if you'd like to view the financial statements for previous years.

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