Notice of passing of Development Charges By-law

Take notice that the Township of Severn passed municipal-wide Development Charges By-law (No. 2024-47) on the 28th day of August, 2024 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 c. 27, as amended; 

And take notice that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Severn on or before October 7, 2024 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection. 

The schedule of development charges imposed by the by-law will come into effect on September 5, 2024 and is as follows:

Schedule B: By-law 2024-47
Services/class of servicesResidentialNon-residential
Single and semi-detached dwellingOther multiplesApartments: Two-bedroomsApartments: Bachelor and one-bedroomSpecial care/Special dwelling units(per square foot of gross floor area)
Township-wide services
Services related to a highway $9,984 $8,676 $6,484 $4,267 $3,941 $7.61
Fire Protection Services $1,460 $1,269 $948 $624 $576 $1.11
Parks and Recreation Services $4,421 $3,842 $2,871 $1,889 $1,745 $1.00
Library Services $538 $468 $349 $230 $212 $0.12
Provincial Offences Act including By-law Enforcement $9 $8 $6 $4 $4 $0.01
Township-wide Class of services
Growth-related studies $680 $591 $442 $291 $268 $0.51
Total Township-wide Services/Class of Services $17,092 $14,854 $11,100 $7,305 $6,746 $10.36
Area specific services: Westshore
Wastewater services $22,611 $19,650 $14,685 $9,663 $8,924 $22.86
Water services $10,972 $9,535 $7,126 $4,689 $4,331 $11.10
Total area specific: Westshore $33,583 $29,185 $21,811 $14,352 $13,255 $33.96
Area specific services: Coldwater
Wastewater services $17,480 $15,191 $11,352 $7,470 $6,899 $10.42
Water services $3,262 $2,835 $2,118 $1,394 $1,287 $1.95
Total area specific: Coldwater $20,742 $18,026 $13,470 $8,864 $8,186 $12.37
Area specific services: Areas not receiving wastewater services
Septage and hauled treatment facilities $101 $88 $66 $43 $40 $0.06
Total area specific: Areas not receiving wastewater services $101 $88 $66 $43 $40 $0.06

A copy of the complete by-law is available for examination at the Township of Severn Administration Office (1024 Hurlwood Lane, Severn) during regular business hours (weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) excluding statutory holidays.

A copy of the by-law can also be viewed on the Township website at the link below: 

Development Charges By-law (No. 2024-047)

Staff contacts

Alison Gray
Phone: 705-325-2315 x232
Email the Clerk

Andrew Plunkett
Director of Finance / Treasurer
Phone: 705-325-2315 x233
Email the Director of Finance / Treasurer