Notice of new Site Alteration and Fill By-law effective January 1, 2025
Township of Severn has completed updates to the Site Alteration and Fill By-law. The by-law was approved by Council on December 4, 2024 and takes effect January 1, 2025.
Site Alteration is defined as any alteration to the existing grade of land through the movement, removal or placement of fill. Any alteration to the grade of the land including filling, dumping, extracting or moving soil must be performed in compliance with the Township of Severn By-law 2024-67, which regulates the removal of topsoil, placement of fill and the alteration of grades in the municipality.
The purpose of the by-law is to protect the natural environment, prevent the entry of fill into the Township that contains hazardous materials and may impact our residents. The by-law applies to all lands in the Township of Severn.
Highlights of changes to the new by-law include:
- new definitions
- clauses for haul route agreements
- soil quality tracking
- environmental impact studies
- peer review processes
These changes also ensure that the by-law aligns with new regulations for excess soils management (Regulation 406/19) in Ontario.
Visit our Fill Permits page for more information. You can also contact our Customer Care team for support.
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