You need to complete and submit a building permit application in order to renovate a structure on your property. This includes additions, repairs or other alterations.
You can review our Building Permit Guide for information on applicable laws and fees, and to access our Building Permit Application checklist.
To renovate existing spaces in all classes, fees are based on estimated construction value.
Building permit fees vary depending on the scope of your building or renovation project. We will calculate all building permit fees after reviewing the application. You will not be issued a building permit until you have paid all permit fees.
A fee of $12.00 per fixture shall apply for any new or modified plumbing fixture.
Fees are indexed on January 1 of each year.
Building permit checklist
Please include the following information with your application:
- Schedule 1
- Schedule 2 (if applicable)
- site plan (view a sample site plan)
- digital construction drawings (as PDF files)
- letter of authorization (if applicable)
- Mechanical ventilation (HVAC) form (includes heat loss/gain, layout, calculations, if applicable)
- Energy Efficiency Design Summary form (if applicable)
- sewage system design flow specifications (if applicable)
- sewage system plan view (if applicable)
- any applicable approvals (Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Trent-Severn Waterway)
Files are preferred in PDF. Contact us with any questions or email us your completed application.